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football同义词(把学过的已知的英语用起来:英英阅读 countdown)

都豆瓣 体育运动 2022-10-25 18:05:38

把学过的已知的英语用起来:英英阅读 countdown

身处非英语语言环境,又有“互联网 英语学习工具”作为依托的时代学习英语,需要培养“英译英的英语阅读能力”,以保证自己英语在非英语语言环境下的“可持续性发展”和英语“终身学习能力”。



An event marking the one-year countdown to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar took place on Sunday. The official countdown clock was unveiled at Doha's picturesque Corniche Fishing Spot. The football tournament is scheduled to take place from November 21 to December 18, 2022. This will be the first time the event is held in a Middle East country.


1) An event marking the one-year countdown to the 2022 FIFA World Cup

1.Okay.I got you.If we mark something with an event or an activity,we celebrate it,we honor it,we acknowledge it.

So when we say An event marking the one-year countdown to the 2022 FIFA World Cup,we can also say An event celebrating the one-year countdown to the 2022 FIFA World Cup

football同义词(把学过的已知的英语用起来:英英阅读 countdown)


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